List of Articles
번호 제목 이름 날짜 조회 수
153 공지사항 test file admin 2014.09.24 505
152 [2008.06.29] Research part update했습니다. 2 권오진 2014.09.27 545
151 [2008.08.01] Paper accepted in "Journal of Biological Chemistry" file 권오진 2014.09.27 479
150 [2008.09.06] [NURI] 랩 멤버쉽 학부생 모집 안내 file 권오진 2014.09.27 522
149 [2008.10.07] Paper accepted in "Expert opinion on therapeutic targets" 권오진 2014.09.27 572
148 [2009.01.28] Paper accepted in "Plant Cell" 권오진 2014.09.27 487
147 [2009.04.23] Paper published in 'Molecular and cellular biochemistry' 권오진 2014.09.27 481
146 [2009.07.04] 축! 권태우군...원자력대학생 인력양성사업 선정 file 권오진 2014.09.27 621
145 [2009.11.14] Paper published in Journal of Biological chemistry 권오진 2014.09.27 557
144 [2009.12.28] Paper published in JKPS 권오진 2014.09.27 622
143 [2010.01.15] Paper accepted in Journal of Radiation Research 권오진 2014.09.27 552
142 [2010.03.18] 축하 축하...완연이...희정이... file 권오진 2014.09.27 751
141 [2010.03.26] Congratulations!! SBCL 1st paper!!! 권오진 2014.09.27 464
140 [2010.03.31] Congratulations!! SBCL 1st paper!!!-이런 글에는 증거 사진이^^ file 권오진 2014.09.27 550
139 [2010.12.29] Paper accepted in "Biochemistry" 권오진 2014.09.27 466
138 [2010.12.29] Paper published in "International Journal of Biology" 권오진 2014.09.27 386
137 [2011.04.09] Paper accepted in "Experimental and Molecular Medicine" 권오진 2014.09.27 556
136 [2011.04.23] Paper accepted in "Protein Expression and Purification" 권오진 2014.09.27 517
135 [2011.04.28] 축![2011일반연구자지원사업선정] 권오진 2014.09.27 432
134 [2011.05.11] Paper accepted in "Protein Expression and Purification" 인증샷입니다... ㅎㅎ file 권오진 2014.09.27 526
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